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- Different Generations of Computer/ Phases of computer development.
Posted by : shahidfarid
Friday, 19 April 2013
Computer developed
in different phases there are different generations with the passage of time,
when we categorize them we come to know that there are five different generations
of computer. These are phases of computer development. Here we discuss these in
generation of computer:
1 Use of vacuum tubes.
2 Big and clumsy.
3 High electricity consumption.
4 Programming in mechanical language.
5 Larger AC were used.
6 Lot of electricity failure occurred.
Generation of Computer:
Transistors were used.
Core memory was developed.
Faster then first generation
First operating System was developed.
Programming was in Machine language and
Assembly language.
Magnetic tapes and discs were used.
generation of Computer:
1 Integrated circuits were developed.
2 Power consumption was low.
3 SSI and MSI technology was used.
4 High level languages were used.
Generation of Computer:
1 LSI and VLSI technology used.
2 Development of Portable Computer.
4 Computer was used in data
Generation of Computer:
1 Used in parallel processing.
2 Used super Conductors.
3 Used in speech recognition.
4 Used in intelligent Robots.
5 Used in artificial intelligence.