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- Types of Networks
Posted by : shahidfarid
Sunday, 28 April 2013
There are different kinds of Networking.
1) Networks with respect to Geography.
2) Networks with respect to Topology.
3) Networks with respect to Hierarchy.
Networks with respect to Geography.
There are further more three types of Networks with respect to Geography.
1) LAN (Local Area Network).
2) MAN (Metropolitan Area Network).
3) GAN (Global Area Network).
LAN (Local Area Network).
Local Area Network can also be called as Office or Home Network. This network has further more Properties can be defined as..
It is within a Building.
Limited Number of PCs are connected.
Network interface card is required (NIC).
It can be connected through a Hub or a switch.
Limited number of cable are required.
MAN (Metropolitan Area Network).
MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) is network within cities. It is in between LAN and WAN. Its distance more than LAN and less as compare to WAN.
Switches and bridges are required to join this network.
It has Wide range of LAN's connected together.
Fiber optics or Coaxial Cable is used to connect this network.
It is within a country.
GAN (Global Area Network).
Global Area Network is the network called as internet. It is spread over the world.
Fiber optics or satellite is medium used in this Network.
Largest network.
It includes all LAN, MAN..
It is International level Network.
A way Of Communication between people.